Maharashtra United Nations Association (MUNA) joins hands with Rotary Club Bombay Pier (RC Bombay Pier) in organizing Model United Nations as a part of Youth initiatives in Mumbai on 27 November 2011.
This day long prominent and signature project of organizing Model United Nations Assembly was held at Khar Gymkhana, from 09:00am in the morning till 7pm in the evening on Sunday, 27 November 2012 in Mumbai.
The Resolution to be debated this time was “NATO interference in the middle East”
The programme was flagged of my an inaugural morning session by H.E. Arinushkin Denis Consul, Consulate General of Russian Federation in Mumbai, District Governor Mr. Vijay Jalan of Rotary International , District 3140, Mr. A.A.Syed Secretary General MUNA) and Mr. Ashraf Ahmed Shaikh Secretary MUNA and President Youth Association were present amongst others.
Mr. AA.Syed read out aims and objectives of MUNA and its activities in Maharashtra in close liasoning and support with Indian Federation of United Nations Association (IFUNA), New Delhi and further with World Federation of United Nations Association (WFUNA, New York.
Mr. Ashraf Ahmed Shaikh spoke about the advantages of participating in Model United Nations and he further informed the gathering about year 2010 – 2011 declared as International year of youth and the activities globally. United Nations has also declared the Year 2011 as International Year of forests, International year of Chemistry and International year for people of African Descent. He requested the young youth audience to also plan activities on the themes of the year to build awareness and to sensitize general public at large to a large extent.
Diplomats from Consulate of United States of America H.E.Ms.Carey Rudell who is a Consul and Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. Consulate General, Mumbai and H.E. Mr. Jason Park, Foreign Service Officer with the US Department of State, serving as a Vice-Consul at the US Consulate General in Mumbai were the special invitees to address the student delegates during Model United Nations proceedings. They addressed the crowed about the importance of Model United Nations and Role of United States in the present context.
The pre break session was chaired by Rtn Saif Qureishi and Rtn Pankaj Phatharphod, as the Chairman and Secretary of General Assembly.
Around 300 students participated from about 25 colleges. About 32 teams was another achievement along with the fact that the foreign students from overseas who were here for the Jamboree also took part in the Model United Nations Assembly
Children dressed in traditional attire of the country they represented added a certain additional flavor of culture and tradition. In the preliminary session the countries read out their respective policy statements and in the post lunch session grouped together and suggested amendments to the resolution.
The evening session concluded with the prize distribution session which was chaired by Ms Mohini Mathur – Executive Chairperson (MUNA) and Guest of Honour Mr. Bansi Dhurandhar Past District Governor 3140.
Mrs. Mohini Mathur congratulated the winners and further motivated the students to engage in international affairs with a perspective of peace building and International relations. She also gave away the prizes and certificates to the young participants in their honor of appreciation along with other esteemed guests.
After enthusiastic and forceful debates and discussions by around 300 student delegates in Model United Nations Assembly the judges declared the results with cheerful remarks and appreciations to the student delegates who participated and deliberated from early morning to evening.
The prize winners were 1) Best Dressed Team: CHINA, 2) Best Team: USA, 3) Best Speaker: Keerthana from France, 4) Best Speaker Runner Up: Sinay from China, 5) Best Debater: Pooja Vohra from USA and 6) Best Quiz answers: China.
Mr. Jayesh Masani a Human Rights activist, Dr. Varsha Rokade and Mrs.Sarida Chitalwala were the three judges for this event.
On this occasion one “bravery award” was also given to Ms. Heena Laxminarayan Sharma for the outstanding work and bravery shown by her in bringing out the recent case of sexual exploitation of minor girls which was filed in Bombay High Court.
Vote of thanks was proposed by District Rotract Representative (DRR) Rotaractor Vinit Shah.
Mrs. Mohini Mathur, Mr. A.A.Syed and Mr. Ashraf Ahmed Shaikh from Maharashtra United Nations Association (MUNA) and Mr. Amit Barot President Rotary Club Bombay Pier (RC Bombay Pier), Mr. Sunil Mehra District chairman- Model United Nations Assembly and his team from the Club organized the aforesaid event under their dynamic leadership.
The same was reported in the magazine ‘UN and People’ of IFUNA, New Delhi. |